Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Nokia codes list with some cool tips and tricks

We wrote a lot of about Nokia phones, but here we will present some useful Nokia codes for people who unlock their phones and want to have different type of information for their phones.  These are some very useful Nokia codes list which can help you to better operate your phone and can provide you enough information about your phone which you never know before such as your phone release date, software version, language  and IMEI etc. However there maybe some codes which can be good for your information but in some cases they can harm your cell phone. There is also magic to recover your lost phone.
 Please use such codes at your own risk.



*# 06 #
This will display serial number / IMEI for your cell phone
*# 0000 #
This will show software version of your Nokia phone
*# 2820 #
This indicates address of your BT (Bluetooth)
xx #
Quick directory access (xx = storage location and afterwards lozenge e.g. 24 #)
A/from key
Short key of menu for switching the profiles
Menu key
Long pressing for "task manager" – switching between active programs (with "C" key programs can be terminated.)
Menu quick access
in the menu e.g. to point 3.1 arrive simply 31 enter (if the third symbol a file is opened is for these and then in it started the first Programm/Icon).
Autostart go around
When switching on of the Handys on to the pin inquiry the key "ABC" (pin) comes the whole time keeps pressed – this is to ignore (allegedly) the autoinitialization programs.
Do not switch between different lines (AS)… goes e.g. with Austrian ONE Handys (see nose cunning). I could not try out however also, since I did not have 2 lines on the SIM map.
is according to standard set the Nokia nokia-Sicherheitscode.
… is according to standard those (with Vodafone windshield frame section) set 2te pin and that standard net code/password
With D1 the standard net code is the last 4 numbers of the card number without HLR e.g. 99999234-5/55 – > 2345
0 – for a long time press
If one the "0" in the main menue for a long time presses those homepage of the standard WAP connection is called.
Started dangerous codes
* # of res wallet #
… is to be deleted the code around the "wallet"! Input like normal telephone number (not in wallet code inquiry windows).
NOTE! Afterwards the "wallet" is empty, can again be put on however with new code.
*# 7780 #
The "original attitudes" and telephone re-establishes is again started (an appropriate inquiry and it follow before must the sicherheitscode be entered).
NOTE! Afterwards various "attitudes" are away – among other things these:
  • Points of entrance (Provider dependent points of entrance and attitudes)
  • Bluetooth attitudes
  • Favorite
  • Allocation of the two keys (beside Navi keys) in the main menue
  • Profiles are "neglected" (as with distribution) – still there however new bell tones, etc. are…
  • SMS/MMS/E Mail attitudes
  • Logos and spielstaende (allegedly) also deleted…
Programs, calendars and contacts, etc. not changed…
Also the sicherheitscode remains.
This putting back goes also via menu under "attitudes – general – original telephone once."
*# 7370 #
Soft format: If the Handy (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a software RESET. (however still another inquiry comes before.)
NOTE! If the Akku to 75% are loaded at least, Akku do not only accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances remove! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4), is absolutely waiting!
This is "only" a soft format… Hard format with "green, 3, *"… see below.
Green, * 3
Hard format: If the Handy (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a RESET.
NOTE! If the Akku to 75% are loaded at least, Akku do not only accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances remove! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4), is absolutely waiting!
Proceeding: Equipment switch off, which keep "green key" (take off) at the same time pressed, "*" and to "3" key and switch the equipment on (the keys thereby keep further pressed)… to "Formatting" on the display appears…
If that does not function, then equipment for 1 hour switch off, Akku so for a long time rausnehmen and again try.
"only" virtual the memory is generally cleared – genuine formatting can take place only in a Nokia service center, if the Fash is deleted there and/or new L.G. is installed.
* # 92702689 #, then switch – system menu off (goes with me not)
The following code do not fold (with me also):
* EFR0 # (* 3370 #) EFR activate (EFR = Enhanced Full rate Coding – language optimization)
# EFR0 # (# 3370 #) EFR switch off
* HRC # (* 4720 #) HRC switch on (HRC = helped rate Coding – language compression)
# HRC0 # (# 4720 #) HRC switch off
Simlock status query: (use "*" the key over "p,w" and "+" indications to enter)
# pw+ 1234567890 +1 # Provider LOCK status
# pw+ 1234567890 +2 # network LOCK status
# pw+ 1234567890 +3 # Country LOCK status
# pw+ 1234567890 +4 # Sim Card LOCK status
The code 1234567890 must be computed with a program e.g. SmartDCT4Calc and/or DCT 4 code Calculator from IMEI, etc…. Information look for if necessary here: www.gsm or www.iphone
Info. to Simlock: SIM LOCK makes it for the offerer/network carriers possible, subsidized (verguenstigte) Handys to offer. Thus one makes oneself if necessary punishable if one SIM LOCK deactivated – in addition the warranty can purged. I take over for it no adhesion or responsibility!
GSM code
should function at each Handy – however Netz(betreiber)abhaengig are… and "harmless"…
Generally applies: First enter code, "send" afterwards (< send green key > press) and one moment wait…
Good Links/Sites in addition: www.handy codes.html or
SMS Tips
Tips & cheat about SMS (with appropriate codes)
For example for the topic: SMS "retard" and/or deferred send, acknowledgment of receipt, reports.
Mark more simply
To Tipps & cheat to the topic "mark" e.g. with SMS entrance.
Over simply to mark simply the "pin" (ABC key) hold some e.g. SMS and move then Jostick downward.
Call number transmission
* 31 # – { CLIR – Calling LINE identification Restriction switches on for the general call number transmission }
# 31 # – switch off the general call number transmission
# 31 # [ telephone number ] – with the next call suppress the own call number (thus temporary)
* 31 # [ telephone number ] – with the next call transfer own call number (thus temporary)
* # 31 # – status query (of call number transmission)
# 31 * [ telephone number ] – own call number show, although receiving station switched call number suppression on. (is not usually de-energised of the Netz(betreiber).)
* 30 # – switch { TIE-clip – Calling LINE identification presentation for the announcement on of the call number of the caller }
# 30 # – switch off
* # 30 # – status query

This also partly goes with 6600 via Men: Attitudes – calls – own No. send…
The following codes are not supported by most Netz(betreibern):
* # 76 # – announcement of the call number, under which one reached the calling (not its call number during rufumleitung!) { COLP – COonnected LINE identification presentation }
* 76 # – switch on
# 76 # – switch off
* # 77 # – announcement of the call number, under which the caller reached me (not my call number during rufumleitung meinerseits!) { COLR – COnnected LINE identification Restriction }
* 77 # – switch on
# 76 # – switch off

Knocks is signaling a secondary call during a current discussion
* 43 # – switch on
# 43 # – switch off
* # 43 # – status query
This also partly goes with 6600 via menu: Attitudes – calls – knocking…
0 < sends > – reject while the discussion a knocking
1 < send > – discussion terminate, knocking discussion accept
certain discussion (y) terminate 1 (y) < send >
2 < sends > – discussion park, knocking discussion accept
certain discussion and new discussion leads 2 parks (y) < sends >
0 < sends > – caller the busy condition signal
This also partly goes with 6600 via menus existing during the discussion.
PIN Change
** 04 * [alte PIN] * [neue PIN] * [Repeat new PIN] #
** 042 * [alte PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2] # repeat

Unlock PIN: ** 05 * [PUK] * [neue PIN] * [Repeat new PIN] #
Unlock PIN 2: ** 052 * [PUK2] * [neue PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2] # repeat
This is also partly to the 6600 via menu: Settings – Security – Phone and SIM …

Diverse Codes
The following codes only work out in some (few) networks / operators … Unfortunately, e.g. not on the Vodafone D2 Netz (in Germany):
* # 100 # – Own number (Own Number)
* # 101 # – HLR number
* # 102 # – Switch number
* # 103 # – Zeit im Netz (Network Time)
* # 104 # – voicemail number (Voice mailbox number)
* # 105 # – Switch number
* # 147 # – Last Caller (Last Caller)

# 646 # – Minutes Used: (646 spells 'MIN')
* # 1345 # or * 174 # – Vodafone Prepaid balance
* 78 – Do not disturb – available only in North America in GSM and CDMA networks
* 79 – Cancel (see above)

Some more Nokia  codes list - Updated
shows your serial number, month and year of manufacture, purchasing date
big daddy of all the nokia programming codes
*#92702689# (*#war0anty#)
To get out of the 'war0anty' menu you need to power cycle your phone.
  • displays a secret menu. On the Nokia 6210 this displays a menu that says:
    1. Serial number – displays the IMEI number.
    2. Made – gives the manufacturing date, on my first generation Nokia 6210 it says 0900 (presumably September 2000)
    3. Purchased – presumably gets set with a 4-digit number that should say when you bought the phone. I have never seen this set when it was bought.
    4. Repaired – presumably another 4-digit number that says when you last had the phone fixed. Since I never needed to have my phone repaired, this is set to 0000.
    5. Transfer user data – I'm afraid to activate this option, as it sounds somewhat ominous. I don't have a data cable and I have no idea what it might do.

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